Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happier Canadians with happier hearts

As a student stress comes naturally. Everyone experience stress in one way or another. It is not until watching the Olympics that I realize how easy stress can come about and how stress can affect the way we behave, the foods we choose to eat and the mood we are in. What I ponder is whether or not a person can experience something that can be good and bad to the person’s health within minutes apart. When I was watching the hockey game with such a tight score, I was stressed out and worried but when Team Canada scores I instantaneously became extremely relieved and happy. Would a person be less stressed about the game if they participate in physical activity on a consistent basis? I came by an article from the Toronto Star about how people that are happier live a healthier lifestyle. It is very easy to tell someone to be happier but if they are in a situation where they do not know if they can afford their next meal or their place to live, it becomes an extremely different story. Watching an intense game causes stress at that moment but when it is over, everything goes back to normal. Of course, if we have lost, I would have been unhappy for a while but in the end, it’s just a game and I would move on living my happy life. What if a person’s life is this constant game, which consists of unpredictability and stress day in and day out? It is easy to tell people to live happier lives but a lot of factors would come into play. We would have to look into their social determinants of health and figure out the true definition of happiness. In the end, studies can show that happiness equates to a healthier lifestyle but more importantly we need to figure a way to help those who are in situations that lead to stress and unhappiness.

Link: http://www.healthzone.ca/health/yourhealth/article/767170--happy-canadians-have-healthier-hearts-study-finds

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