Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Good health, expensive milk?

As it seems nowadays, good health is harder and harder to come by and unaffordable even. Aside from all the money the government and taxpayers spend on healthcare, it seems as though organic, holistic foods are foods that are considered healthy foods. The problem is that these foods often cost more than many people are willing to pay for. Is it worth getting that one organic product and sacrificing two or more products that will probably equal the price of that one product? That would not be a problem for people with a higher socioeconomic status, but for those people with a lower socioeconomic status, the price difference can mean the world. Money is one of the biggest determinants of food choices. There are an increasing number of products that are organic and considered to be the more optimal products, but these products come with a higher cost that not everyone can afford.

The article I came across from the Toronto Star talks about keeping cows healthy in order to ensure that the milk is of top quality. The ultimate question proposed here is whether people are willing to pay more for milk or yogurt that comes from a healthier cow. With biosecurity practies imposed, would the product be of a higher quality? With a price increase of milk too, would this mean that more segregation between the higher and lower socioeconomic class would result. The content in this article illustrates the social inequality on health in this country. We should have a dividing line on what can be done with the foods we eat. Would we be implementing the biosecurity practices just to gain more profit or because we know that it will certainly boost the health of Canadians?

Link: http://www.healthzone.ca/health/newsfeatures/article/767215--is-the-milk-of-healthier-cow-worth-more-cash

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